RE: ActiveX DLL
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 08:11:35 -0500
What version of VB are you using? If you are using .Net there are some .NET
classes that can do the same work. With a few little twists and stretches,
but its better then an extra dependency. The only solution I found with vb6
was to shell out to the command line and pass options in a file (for length
of commands) and pipe the data to an output file. On the other hand with
.Net you can actually call Curl Via the command line and use streams to get
the returned data.
If you want some direction with the .Net solution email me off the list, and
I will send you in the right direction.
Josh Miller
[] On Behalf Of BH
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 11:27 PM
Subject: ActiveX DLL
Hi guys,
I heard cURL has another version i.e. ActiveX component which we can 'call'
(create instance) from our VB application directly? Is it true? I can't find
it from the cURL website. Pls help.
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Received on 2004-09-08