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With Curl the last two lines are missing of all the file in beh

From: <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 16:43:06 +0200


I'm still trying to automatcly download from (with https)
On 16-07-2004 Daniel asked:
> Can you see if the Content-Length: headers are provided by the server, and
> so, do they specify the actual expected sizes of the files?
I answered incorrectly :
> Every time the Received display on the screen and Content-Length in the
> trace are the actual size of the received file.
In the trace-file:
<= Recv header, 51 bytes (0x33)
0000: Content-Disposition: anything;filename=export.tsv
<= Recv header, 22 bytes (0x16)
0000: content-length: 4334
<= Recv header, 57 bytes (0x39)
0000: Content-Type: application/download; name="\export.tsv\"
<= Recv header, 40 bytes (0x28)
0000: Expires: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:53:08 GMT
<= Recv header, 24 bytes (0x18)
0000: Cache-control: private
<= Recv data, 4341 bytes (0x10f5)
Part of the header-file (obtained with the -D option):
Content-Disposition: anything;filename=export.tsv
content-length: 4334
Content-Type: application/download; name="\export.tsv\"
Expires: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:53:08 GMT
Cache-control: private
When I download the file manually wit Internet Explorer the size is 4441
In all testcases (test with 34 files) the Recv data in the trace-file is 100
less then the size of the manually downloaded file.
But the size of the with curl obtained file lies is exactly (4334 bytes) the
content-length in the header-file

Has anyone an idea why the size in the trace-file differs from the size in
the header and the actual size?
In the trace there are 3 Recv header's
With the -D option I only get one header-file.
Is there a way to see what's in the other two headers?
Maybe that can explain something?
Received on 2004-08-26