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download file size issue

From: Pete Masiel <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 09:55:17 -0400

On the below issue..... Found the solutions thanks to Daniel.... When I
tried to use curl to download the larger files originally, I used lower
case xls instead of the uppercase XLS which is how the file was sitting on
the server - thus it wasn't a curl issue, but a Pete issue.

When I looked into the header information - it stood right out.

Learning lesson!


Good morning,

I use win2000 pro.

I have been using cURL to automate my download of MDBs from a secure site
(file size around 5mb). There are 10MB and 25MB XLS files in the same
directory that I need to retrieve as well.

Here is an example of the script I use to retrieve the MDB:

curl -O -u user:password (Works

When I tried the below script to retrieve the desired file and it only
transfered 1k of the file.

curl -O -u user:password
curl -O -u user:password

Can any of you please help? I do have limited

Received on 2004-07-19