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Re: Statically linked curl under Solaris ?

From: Manuel VACELET <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 14:40:37 +0200

Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> Odd, my Solaris builds always use -ldl as well, and the lack of this
> seems to be what causes your problems.

Ok but -ldl is not possible when you use '-static' flags with gcc (there
is only dynamic libraries 'libdl')

If I don't use -static it works but I don't obtain a statically linked
curl (shown with ldd curl)

# VACELET Manuel        manuel.vacelet(at)st(dot)com #
# Tel:  042 6089                  +33 (0)476 92 6089 #
# STMicroelectronics  - Central R&D DAIS             #
# 850, rue Jean Monet - 38926 CROLLES CEDEX - FRANCE #
Received on 2004-07-05