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curl --form problem

From: Luca Arzeni <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 09:49:11 +0200

Hi there,

I attempted many times to send a request using curl, with POST method, passing
as parameter a XML string; the parameter name is INPUT_XML.
I cannot receive the input parameter from the request, in the server-side

I send a request with the following command line, according to the syntax that
came from the manual:

curl --cert ./BT05428_curl.pem --cacert /CA01000.pem --insecure \
        --form "INPUT_XML=<somefile.xml" \

but I cannot see the INPUT_XML parameter in the request.

I can test the address https://localhost:8443/SSLAuthentication/ServiceManager
using a browser (konqueror) with a simple form, and it works fine, so I think
that the problem is in curl.

I tempted also with the http clear text (no SSL) invocation, following the
hint that some users gave me:

curl --form "INPUT_XML=<somefile.xml"

and I actually tested the it does NOT works; so I'm sure that the problem is
not in the protocol, but in curl. I also tested using -F instead of --form,
just to see if there was a problem with the command line option parsing, but
the problem remains the same.

Just to be sure I tested:

curl --data "INPUT_XML=sometext"

And this time the system works fine.

At this point I'm pretty sure that there is a problem in curl or in the way
that I invoke it, so can you explain me if there is any error with this line:

curl --form "INPUT_XML=<somefile.xml" \

I'm sure that the file is there (I made with absolute and relative path, it
doesn't changes anything).

Can someone help me?

Thanks, Luca Arzeni

Ing. Luca Arzeni
Amadego S.R.L.
Via Omodei 1,
20095 Cusano Milanino (MI)
Tel. 02 6193672
Cell. 339 8350298
Received on 2004-05-10