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Darwin source d/l via curl

From: Walt Pawley <>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 02:41:21 -0800

I hate being so dumb but I guess I'm stuck with it.

Once upon a time, Apple posted Darwin source in a manner which made it easy
enough for one to d/l the data via curl with a simple -u style curl
command. Some time ago, this seemed to change (at least for me) so that one
apparently must use a https login page which I've not been able to grok a
curl-ish means around. I suspect that even if I managed to get by that, I'd
still need some cookie data that resulted to get the files.

Any help out there?

Walter M. Pawley <>
Wump Research & Company
676 River Bend Road, Roseburg, OR 97470
Received on 2004-04-02