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'automatic configuration script' as proxy

From: Edward S. Peschko <>
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 15:48:49 -0800

hey all,

I was wondering if curl supported an 'automatic configuration script' as do mozilla,
IE, and opera...

Just to make sure I'm being clear:

in IE, going into 'internet options => connections => lan settings' you can select
'automatically detect settings', or 'use automatic configuration script' which
tells the browser to look at a proxy webpage to get a function that determines
the proxy to use. In my case the function looks like:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)

        if (shExpMatch(url, "ftp:..*")
                return "DIRECT";


        return("PROXY someproxy:8080");

In other words, we - at my site - have to go through a bunch of hoops to get a
proxy server name. I need to be able to automate this. I'd like to say

curl --proxy-config 'http://whateverproxy:8080' ''

where proxy-config points me to this webpage, runs the (presumably javascript) function
and returns back a proxy that I can use in order to fetch the http.. This proxy may or
may not prompt for a password, so the it should be able to take -u output..

Thanks much,

        ps - if I can get this working, could I somehow get cvs read access using curl
        in this way? I'm thinking through the cvsweb method..
Received on 2004-03-01