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RE: FTP problem

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 09:32:50 -0500

Could this be a PORT vs PASV issue? You didn't say which Windows FTP client you're using, but does it have an option somewhere to switch to "Passive" mode? If so, can you turn it off and see whether it starts breaking behind the Multitech also?
Or, try removing the -P (--ftp-port) option from your curl command line, and see if it starts working.
- Kevin


From: Steven Shourds
Sent: Tue 2/10/04 4:18 AM

I am executing curl and getting a timeout when doing an FTP post. See trace below. My timeout parameter is set to 90 seconds. The post usually concludes in less that 5 seconds.

I have troubleshot the problem down to the router I am using. I have a Multitech RF560VPN router and it times out. I use an SMC7004ABR and it works fine.

Received on 2004-02-10