cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: detect if an upload/download is finished or failed

From: Sebastien WILLEMIJNS <>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 10:44:18 +0100

> Are you sure about that?
> I just tried this:
>> curl.exe
> curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host ''
> 6

> and if you look close you'll see the errorlevel output afterwards.

hum... notion of errorlevel programmed by default in CURL was very
detailed sic ! generally, people wants to know if transferts failed
or not.. we can read the log to detect if my passwords failed or
if the connexion was timed out ;) so it's IMHO of course ;)

>but I think the --fail command-line option will enable that behavior
> for you.

maybe... but only in HTTP, not in FTP ;) (see the doc)

i'm only want to know if tranferts fails or not without redirecting
the STDERR to a file ;) the notion of "log files" seems to be for my
problem a great solution ;)

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Received on 2003-12-30