RE: Getting asp pages
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 12:21:23 -0500
Yep - read the manual a little closer for the --form parameter values.
Methinks you meant -F "__VIEWSTATE=@FILE.TXT",
instead of ... -F "__VIEWSTATE=<FILE.TXT".
It's also possible you need some cookies (I'm not sure whether ASP.NET uses cookies in addition to PAGESTATE, but it most likely DOES use them, for a session ID; whether or not that session is needed for your application is up to the page designer...)
- Kevin
-----Original Message-----
From: Enrico Bonaria
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 12:04 PM
If I build a page with a form posting the __VIEWSTATE and the __EVENTTARGET
the browser shows the correct page but if I try to get it with curl ( curl
"" ) I can get
only the first page.
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Received on 2003-12-29