cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail



From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 08:46:04 -0500

If you're asking whether it's possible to send parameters as a GET request (e.g. part of the URL) rather than a POST request, you'll need to upgrade to something much more recent to get to a version that offers the --get command line option. This option (also known as -G) will change your POST into a GET with no additional work needed on your part.

Of course, you can accomplish the same thing by URL-encoding your parameter values (e.g. changing any embedded special characters into their HEX equivalents; an embedded "/" becomes "%2F" for example) and adding them to the end of your URL.

So, if you currently have something like this:

   curl -d "someparam=thevalue" http://some.url/

then it could become this in your version of curl:

   curl http:/some.url/?someparam=thevalue

or it could become this in a newer version of curl:

   curl -G -d "someparam=thevalue" http://some.url/

Hope that helps.
- Kevin

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Received on 2003-12-24