cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Newbie Question on https File Transfer

From: Linsley, Terry <>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 11:42:50 -0500


        I attempting to automate an https file transfer using command line
cURL. The problem I have is encountered is that the site's login page has a
content type that requires me to us cURL's "-d" option to post the login
information. This part I can do successfully, but when I "navigate" to the
upload page it has a content type requiring cURL's "-F" option to fill in
the form and include the data file to be uploaded.
        If I try to do this in two invocations of cURL, them on the second I
get an error saying "not logged in". If I try doing it all on one
invocation, cURL tells me I can only do one http request (but maybe my
syntax is bad). I even tried doing two invocations with the first saving
its session-id cookie to a file and the second reading the cookie. No love

Any advice or clues appreciated. Even confirmation that it can't be done.

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Received on 2003-11-17