HTTP- post question...
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 12:03:35 -0600
Trying to simulate filling out this form, the following I know to be true:
1 of the form fields is a file
curl needs to follow redirects
curl needs to specify the referer as
The file 1.jpg exists in the current directory
(The post data below is just sample data(ie. user=foobar, etc. ) to make for a shorter email to this list.)
Reading the manual I assume it should look something like:
curl -L -e -F "userfile=@1.jpg" -F "user=foobar&pass=12345&id=blablabla&ding=submit"
Am I doing it right? Assuming that I send all of the correct post data, shouldn't this work? The form keeps redisplaying instead of giving me the success screen.
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