Warning: All Internet .com and .net domains now resolve!!
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 08:09:27 +0200 (CEST)
(Rich had problems getting this mail through, so I'm forwarding it here.)
From: Rich Gray <>
A cautionary note:
Verisign, keeper of the .COM and .NET root namservers has gone
and done something extremely stupid. (In marketese, it is
called a "feature".) They have hacked their nameservers such
that any unknown domain now returns instead of
NXDOMAIN. This address does answer on ports 25 (smtp) and 80
(http.) For smpt, they have a stub mailserver which bounces
any attempted mail. For http, they reply with their own "site
finder page". (Can you say "browser hijacking??".) If I read
correctly, for the vast bulk of TCP ports, they will ACCEPT the
connection, then ReSeT it!! (Although when I tried to telnet to
a nonsense .com name at port 12345, I got a connection refused.
I'm not trying to start a debate here over just how sucky this is,
but rather warn the curl community that a bad .com or .net domain
name will now result in totally unexpected and mysterious behavior!
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Received on 2003-09-18