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Re: Rookie post question with php action

From: David Plunkett <>
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 22:10:59 -0400

Thanks Daniel,

You nailed the problem. I was sending to the wrong URL. Problem solved!


>From: Daniel Stenberg <>
>To: Curl Mailinglist <>
>Subject: Re: Rookie post question with php action
>Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 13:00:19 +0200 (CEST)
>On Mon, 1 Sep 2003, David Plunkett wrote:
> > curl -F userfile=@/FoxServ/curl/README -F press=OK
> > http://localhost/post_tst.html
>You will send the POST to the given URL. This URL ends with .html as noted
> > <form method="POST" enctype='multipart/form-data'
> > ID="Form1">
> > <input type=file name=userfile ID="File1">
> > <input type=submit name=press value="OK" ID="Submit1">
> > </form>
>This <form> tag clearly shows that the HTLM says the POST should be sent to
>post_action.php, not post_tst.html.
> > Is this expected?
>Your server was friendly enough to return the contents of the given URL,
>though you used POST and sent off a multipart post to the wrong URL...
> > How can I confirm that my post_action.php is ever called?
>It is only "called" if you specify that to curl. curl does not interpret
>HTML to figure where to send the data. You need to tell it.
> > The only debugging I tried is using trace. --trace appears to show a
> > connection and the file being sent.
>Yes. To the wrong URL!
> Daniel Stenberg -- curl: been grokking URLs since 1998
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Received on 2003-09-03