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Re: [PATCH]add --peer-CN-regex option to the command line tool

From: Torsten Foertsch <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 19:16:30 +0200

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 04 June 2003 00:25, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> I like the idea and spirit of this patch, but I have a fundamental remark
> on this particular implementation: I don't want us to add features to
> libcurl what depends on a "POSIX 2 complient" regex library. I bet that
> rules out a huge portion of the world, including Windows.

I accept your remark. I rather wanted to make it configurable but I have never
worked with automake. I don't know what files to patch to do that.

As M Biswas <> metioned there is PCRE
( I'll change my patch to use this library. If someone
could give me a starting point I'll make it configurable with an option to
./configure in the next few days.

> I would guess that a much simpler approach would suffice for most people,
> using good old and much simpler DOS-style wildcards. Don't you agree?

I don't like DOS-style wildcards. The problem where I started thinking about
that patch was a script that receives one of a few hosts to connect to from
the user either by name or by IP address. These hosts have certificates with
a Common Name that matches ^wsr[1-5]\.company\.tld$. With DOS-style wildcards
I can say *.company.tld or wsr*.company.tld that match much more hosts. The
regex matches exactly the allowed hosts.

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Received on 2003-06-04