cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Zero size FTP download doesn't update file

From: Steve Crawford <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 15:53:04 -0800

I have run into the following problem which I have been trying to track down
in 7.10.4 on Linux 2.4.10-4GB ... i686 (although it seems to occur in other
versions and platforms I've checked):

When I do an ftp download and the file on the server is zero size no transfer
takes place. If the file does not exist locally it is not created. If the
file does exist locally it is left untouched.

FTP uploads of a zero-size file work fine.

This is my first experience hacking into the curl source code so I'm treading
lightly but I am currently focusing on the fact that Curl_readwrite
(transfer.c) does not seem to make the appropriate call to Curl_client_write
when there is no data in the body.

Further info when I figure more out or please write if you know where the
problem lies.


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Received on 2003-04-16