Range Request : gets only contents without header in contents.
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 15:40:21 +0900
Hi, I am newbie.
I want to get range of contents from response, so I did like :
curl -s -N -m 60 --connect-timeout 30 -D output.head -r 0-40 -o output.wav
Almost are successfully downloaded by range. But, some file(such as above) has content mixed with http header like :
Content-type: audio/x-wav^M
Range: bytes 0-40/82988^M
RIFF$D^A^@WAVEfmt ^P^@^@^@^A^@^A^@D?@^@~HX^A^@^B^@^P^@data^@^M
How I get only contents without header in content? I don't know what options exists for this.
Regards from Nams.
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Received on 2003-04-14