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Re: Cookies!!

From: rahul hampole <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 10:41:03 -0800

Yes that is a good idea however by the look of it WGET does not seem to support POST requests. I tried replacing the POST with a GET and it fails to return results. I looked at other curl based tools as well but they seem to have the same shortcomings. If I had a little more time I would have written it myself I guess!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Ralph Mitchell <>
Date: Monday, February 24, 2003 11:21 pm
Subject: Re: Cookies!!

> I realize this may be mildly heretical, but how about using wget to fetch
> the final page? It will happily grab the page and everything referenced
> on the page. According to the man page, you can feed it a cookie file too...
> No, I haven't tried it - I've just received email asking me to set up
> monitoring on 79 web servers, so my night's shot already... :)
> Ralph Mitchell
> David Withnall wrote:
> > try turning off javascript.
> > that will most likely be whats causing your problems as there is a stack
> of js that runs onload.
> > i know little about js but this appears to load the images dynamically.
> so everytime you open the page in a js enabled browser it will try to load
> images from a non existant directory on your machine. (unless of course
> you have the images saved locally).
> >
> > other than that there is nothing nonstandard about the raw html.
> (excluding the bizarre looking form data)
> >
> > D.
> >
> > >>> 25/02/03 12:11:37 pm >>>
> > If the price listings of the americawest page is saved using galeon it
> will save but when opened again using the web browser it will generate a
> error and shut down the browser be in galeon or konqueror. hence a similar
> thing happens when i download a file using curl.
> >
> > When I open the file (with browser) saved with content it is very
> different from that saved without contenet. Please do try it out at
> and give in a request using the form.
> >
> > It cannot be opened unelss all the components like images, etc are also
> there. Hence I want a way to issue a post request and get everything so
> that it can be opened and read.
> > Thanks in advance for the help
> > Rahul
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Received on 2003-02-25