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Re: POST a large file over HTTPS to IIS-5 problem

From: Veselin Terzic <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 18:02:23 -0700


I've done that, the "errno" is 32, broken pipe !

=> Send header, 0 bytes (0x0)
=> Send header, 0 bytes (0x0)
=> Send header, 0 bytes (0x0)
=> Send header, 0 bytes (0x0)
=> Send header, 0 bytes (0x0)
== Info: SSL_write() return error 5 Broken pipe

So, it happens after a successful SSL handshake at the point where data
transfer should start and it is file size related.
Could this be related to "Content-length:" header incorrect or missing?

Is 7.10.3 BETA available?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Stenberg" <>
To: "Curl Mailinglist" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 2:45 AM
Subject: Re: POST a large file over HTTPS to IIS-5 problem

> On Mon, 16 Dec 2002, Veselin Terzic wrote:
> > curl 7.10.2 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.10.2 OpenSSL/0.9.6g zlib/1.1.3
> > I have tried to lower CURL_MAX_WRITE_SIZE to 10K and then to 1K, but
> > didn't make any difference, although it looks like SSL_write() was the
> > issue.
> >
> > I've noticed 3 different behaviors:
> >
> > 1. file size 3.5K, no errors, i.e. I don't get any "Send header, 0
> > 2. file size 1 MB I get a lot of "Send header, 0 bytes" messages, but
> > recovers and POSTs file successfully.
> The reason for the "Send header, 0 bytes" message is when curl tries to
> data but it can't due to the socket being "full" and thus it loops and
> retries again.
> This "loop system" is severely brain-damaged as it doesn't wait for the
> socket to become writable before trying again so it just tries and tries
in a
> senseless manner.
> This approach has been changed since 7.10.2 and will be a lot smarter and
> better in 7.10.3.
> > 3. file size 6.6 MB I get the error below and file cannot be posted .
> I does however not completely explain this though. The stupid send system
> explains the many failed send attempts.
> But, it is not unlikely that the server sends something back to the client
> while the post is being done, and if curl doesn't receive that data it may
> not like the situation and finally end it. I don't know if this is what
> happens, but it's a theory.
> > == Info: SSL_write() return error 5
> Can you add 'errno' to that error message and rebuild (lib/send.c around
> 240) ? The 5 mentioned above is the SSL error SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL and
> supposedly, errno might contain some more details on this particular error
> case.
> --
> Daniel Stenberg -- curl, cURL, Curl, CURL. Groks URLs.
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T H I N K G E E K . C O M
Received on 2002-12-19