cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: cURL Already Installed?

From: Jim Thome <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 08:56:16 -0700

"Impossible Mission". I want my bonus points.

>>> Daniel Stenberg <> 11/21/02 08:36AM >>>
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Stephen Pflanze wrote:

> I am new to cURL.

Another visitor. Stay a while. Staaaaaay forever! (Bonus points for anyone
who remembers the name of the C64 game where that was said with that great
and corny speach synthesizer.)

> I do not know exactly which OS my Host is using. I only know it is Linux.

We count that OS as 'Linux'. 99.5% chance of it being an i386 architecture.

> So I cannot tell from the list at if my
> host's server already has it. I have sent email to my host's tech support
> but two days have passed with no response.
> Is there a way to tell if my host's server already has cURL in telnet
> session?

Run one or more of these commands:

curl -V => shows curl's version
curl-config --version => shows installed libcurl version
which curl => shows path to installed curl executable
locate curl => shows path to installed curl executable

> I have downloaded the cURL installation. The instructions say I will
> probably have to be root to so the last installation step. Can a private
> cURL installation be done for use within the confines of the server space I
> rent from my host?

Yes you can do that easily like this:

 ./configure --prefix=$HOME

When you then run 'make install', you'll get the curl binary installed in
your $HOME/bin directory.

If you build/install libcurl as a shared library, libcurl will be put in
$HOME/lib and you need to make sure that your ld checks in there when it
loads libraries (possibly by setting your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable).

 Daniel Stenberg -- curl, cURL, Curl, CURL. Groks URLs.
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Received on 2002-11-21