cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: ANNOUNCE: curl and libcurl 7.10.2

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:07:05 -0500

As usual, I'm building in a sub-dir. It seems that something has changed with regard to the test suite which no longer works in this configuration.

gcc -g -O2 ../../../tests/server/sws.c -o sws
/e/DOCUME~1/THR/LOCALS~1/Temp/cc51Zruu.o(.text+0x9e4): In function `send_doc':
/usr/src/curl-7.10.2/bld/tests/server/../../../tests/server/sws.c:301: undefined reference to `_spitout'
/e/DOCUME~1/THR/LOCALS~1/Temp/cc51Zruu.o(.text+0xa30):/usr/src/curl-7.10.2/bld/tests/server/../../../tests/server/sws.c:314: undefined reference to `_spitout'

It runs fine when building in the main source directory.

(maybe I should just stop building in a sub-dir? :-P )


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