cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: curl-7.10.1: segmentation fault following new URL

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 11:55:28 EST

Daniel Stenberg:
> I put a 7.10.2-pre1 version up on the site just a few hours ago, you could
> get that one and have a go!
Great, I 'll try that out later.

P.S. Is something like

#define strnequal2(s1, s2) strnequal((s1),(s2),strlen(s1))

portable enough (and worth the hassle to change it) ?
If it was used instead of strnequal(), it could save some of the
developers' work (and frustration), since they wouldn't have to count
characters (not to mention the possible errors). It seems to be used
in a lot of source lines.

$ grep 'strnequal("' */*.c # select lines with a constant first argument
lib/cookie.c: if(strnequal("Set-Cookie:", line, 11)) {
lib/formdata.c: !strnequal("text/", file->contenttype, 5)) {
lib/transfer.c: if (strnequal("Content-Length:", k->p, 15) &&
lib/transfer.c: else if (strnequal("Content-Type:", k->p, 13)) {
lib/transfer.c: else if (strnequal("Content-Encoding:", k->p, 17) &&
lib/transfer.c: if (strnequal("identity", start, 8))
lib/transfer.c: else if (strnequal("deflate", start, 7))
lib/transfer.c: else if (strnequal("gzip", start, 4)
lib/transfer.c: || strnequal("x-gzip", start, 6))
lib/transfer.c: else if (strnequal("compress", start, 8)
lib/transfer.c: || strnequal("x-compress", start, 10))
lib/transfer.c: else if (strnequal("Content-Range:", k->p, 14)) {
lib/transfer.c: strnequal("Set-Cookie:", k->p, 11)) {
lib/transfer.c: else if(strnequal("Last-Modified:", k->p,
lib/transfer.c: strnequal("Location:", k->p, 9)) {
src/main.c: if(curl_strnequal("type=", ptr, 5)) {
src/main.c: else if(curl_strnequal("filename=", ptr, 9)) {
src/main.c: (!strnequal("--", argv[1], 2) && (argv[1][0] == '-')) &&

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Received on 2002-10-28