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Help for novice PERL user

From: Lane Parkes <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 05:22:05 +0800


I’m a novice PERL user so I apologize if this is something simple. I’ve read through the newsgroups, done a GOOGLE search and got totally confused by the PERL documentation trying to implement this (I’ve spent days trying to get it working when I’m sure it should be something easy).

I have a web form that allows uploading of a file when you pass it a couple of parameters and a file to upload.

I can do this from the command line using the following example…

Curl –u NAME:PASSWORD –F Action=Upload –F JobName=Myjob –F FileHandle=Myfile MyURL

I’m now trying to do the same thing using cURL:EASY. Could anyone please post a simple example or put me on the right track for this?

I’m happy to post what I’ve done so far - but to be honest I’ve tried a bunch of things and nothing seems correct.

I really would like to get it working with cURL:EASY as this seems to be the more robust solution compared to using the command line.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Curtis McKoy.

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