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Re: cURL 7.9.8 with OpenSSL-0.9.6g on RHLinux 7.2

From: <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 05:16:40 -0500

You need to tell curl where you installed the new OpenSSL.

For example, if you used the default build for openssl-0.9.6g:

    make install

it goes into /usr/local/ssl, so for curl you'd do:

    ./configure --with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl

If you put openssl anywhere else, tell curl where it is.

Ralph Mitchell

Bijal Kothari wrote:

> Hi,
> On RedHat 7.2 Linux,
> when compiling cURL 7.9.8 with ssl it takes the default OpenSSL-0.9.6b built
> in with the RH Linux.
> I want it to compile it with latest bug fix release OpenSSL-0.9.6g.
> I first installed successfully OpenSSL-0.9.6g.
> and when compiling cURL with ssl
> LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/ssl/lib
> ./configure --with-ssl
> make
> make test
> on make test it displays OpenSSL-0.9.6b still.
> What do i need to to do to take the new ssl into cURL installation ?
> Thank you,
> Bijal Kothari
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This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Received on 2002-09-20