Re: cURL and POST Large Amount of Data
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 05:33:45 -0500
If Cris's suggestion doesn't fix it for you, you might try altering the
options just a tad:
/usr/local/bin/curl -m 600 -d "$strXML" -L -s -S
The curl manpage shows all the options first, followed by the url(s) you're
getting/posting, unless you prefix the url(s) with '--url'. The '-s',
which you already have, tells curl to be silent, but that also disables
error messages - adding '-S' re-enables error messages, should there be
Are you passing a string array to the php exec call for it to return any
output generated? If not, you might try it. Alternatively, toss in a few
more options:
-D xxxx.head -o xxxx.out --stderr xxxx.err -v
That should get you any returned headers (-D) in xxxx.head, any regular
output (-o) in xxxx.out and any error output (--stderr) in xxxx.err. The
'-v' makes it verbose, so you get all the protocol startup, connections,
redirects, etc, dumped into the stderr file.
Cris suggested using single-quotes around your data variable. That would
stop the shell doing something silly with it, such as expanding *'s to all
the files in the directory, etc.
Cris also suggested using some kind of shell-escape function to escape any
weird characters in your data variable. Probably better than that is PHP's
'urlencode' or even 'rawurlencode' function, because the receiving web
server may react unpredictably if things like spaces, &'s and ?'s show up
in its input stream. Curl doesn't fix those up for you... If you already
do that, apologies...:)
Lastly, just how big is the chunk of XML you're trying to send ? It may be
overflowing php's exec buffer, or possibly the shell's command line
buffer. If I'm wrong on that possibility, someone please correct me...:)
Just few thoughts...
Ralph Mitchell
Samantha Savvakis wrote:
> HI,
> I'm using the cURL binary to perform a HTTP POST to a web page within
> PHP Code. I am sending XML data to this web page.
> The issue I've come up against if the size of the data that I'm trying
> to post and it looks like cURL is crapping out.
> This is the command line that I'm currently using:
> /usr/local/bin/curl -m 600 -d "$strXML" -L
> -s
> $strXML - variable containing the XML data. I run this command using
> "exec" in PHP to call curl.
> The return code I receive is: 127. This means a fatal error has occured
> with cURL but that's all I know.
> I have read the detail about using the -F option. I do not want to POST
> the "file" as such, but rather the "DATA" in the file is I create a file
> of the XML. The manpage for cURL states:
> "-F : To just get the content part from a file, prefix the file name
> with the letter <. The difference between @ and < is then that @ makes a
> file get attached in the post as a file upload, while the < makes a text
> field and just get the contents for that text field from a file."
> So I've tried going:
> /usr/local/bin/curl -m 600 -F </tmp/tempfile.xml
> -L -s
> /tmp/tempfile.xml - contains the XML data. This isn't working.I'm
> getting a return code of "2" meaning: "Failed to initialize".
> I'm at a loss. I need to post this large amount of XML data to a remote
> site and don't know how to get it there.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Sam
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