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help!, bad html form data

From: mrjosh at yahoo <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 22:28:31 -0700 (PDT)

Hi, Im trying to develop a curl script to submit a form to a web site (uses POST), it has this strange nested structure below:
            Confirmation <br><input type='hidden' name='session' value=</font>
            <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=blah1 VALUE=4>
            <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=blah2 VALUE=V>
            <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=blah3 VALUE=1>
            <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=blah4 VALUE=this>
            <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=blah5 VALUE=that>


This code actually works in the Internet explorer browser but I cant seem to reproduce it using a curl script, I bounced the output from the form off an asp server and it looks like this below. Any ideas how to reproduce using curl?? Thanks CarlS

blah1 = [4]
session = [blah2 = [V]
blah3 = [1]
blah4 = [this]
blah5 = [that]

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