cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


cURL and SSL

From: Oscar F <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 14:45:35 -0400


I know it's been asked over and over again, and I've read all the solutions on the mailing lists archives, and I did not want to ask, but here it is:

I'm using a cobalt server, and I need to have cURL with SSL support enabled... I did all that has been said about enabling ssl (./configure --with-ssl=path/to/ssl..etc). I also tried downloading the RPM pkg with SSL support (curl-ssl-7.9.8-1.i386.rpm) and at first it gave me a dependency failure, then I downloaded the rpm-src and rebuilt it, but when I try to (rpm -Dvh curl-ssl-7.9.8-1.i386.rpm) it says it is already installed and some messages like:

"file /usr/bin/curl from install of curl-ssl-7.9.8-1 conflicts with file from package curl-ssl-7.9.8-1"

My question is, is there a way to safely delete the current instalation of curl, so I can try the RPM all over again?.. or, any other solution that might work for me. Some other guy had the same problem on the php mailing list, and he told me he fixed it installing the ssl-enabled RMP. Please advice!.

  Oscar F.-

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Received on 2002-07-28