cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: How to force snprintf replace?

From: Ray DeGennaro at Eaglerock IS <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 15:26:04 -0500

>I'm trying to build cURL on an Alpha box, but I get a link error
>because snprintf isn't defined. There appears to be code to use
>msnprintf instead, but configure didn't select that option.

I tracked this one down. There's one file (./tests/server/scs.c)
that uses snprintf() without the:

        #define _MPRINTF_REPLACE
        #include <curl/mprintf.h>

logic. It's not really a functional problem, because it turns out
that curl and libcurl build fine. BUT it needs to be documented or
fixed, because the tests won't build (which makes it appear that curl
doesn't build) and run.

I can submit the changes. The code change is trivial, but I'm not
really familiar enough with configure/autoconf/automake to call that
change trivial.


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