cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: no response from HTTPS server

From: phillip gramly <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 18:26:51 -0500

>Seeing a s390 version sure is great fun. However, we've done much goodness
>since 7.8 arrived, so we would all be happier if you could retry this
>operation with a more recent version of curl to see if the behavior changes.

i went ahead and downloaded the source and built cURL 7.9.7
no problems except make install put the 'curl' program in /usr/local/bin
instead of /usr/bin where the older rpm put it. once we got that straight, it

i still had problems with the certificate, but we have since switched back to
the original https site that did not require certificates. so, have not
had to
pursue that angle anymore.

i like the program. the doc is pretty good too.
invoking cURL commands from a REXX script (Regina on Linux) and parsing
thru the output is turning out to be a slick way to automate this file

thanks for all the work on this package, developers!


Phillip Gramly
Systems Programmer
Communications Data Group
Champaign, IL


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Received on 2002-05-22