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RE: curl 7.9.7 pre-release 1

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 08:20:00 -0400

> What about --trace that is like now, and a --trace-ascii that
> works as you suggest? Or possibly the revered, a --trace-binary
> that works like I made it and having --trace do like you suggest?

I suggest adding --trace-ascii (or --trace-no-hex, or --trace-ascii-only). I agree that by default, the information for showing all the embedded binary data should be there. When you do ascii-only output (as I suggested), my opinion would be that it should be shown in the same format you're already using, just without the hex chars. In other words, "0d 0a" should be outputted as "..". Otherwise it'll look even worse (especially with binary data...).

> This question is more complicated than what it looks like at a first glance.

I figured it probably would be, however I just had to ask... I can live with it either way, just thought it was odd that one was split up and one wasn't.



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Received on 2002-05-07