cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Automate scripts

From: Paul Harrington <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:33:43 +0100

> Does anyone know if their is a way to browse to a point in a site using lynx for example and have it create a script that Curl can use.
> For example. - Rather than me spending a week trying to figure out how to log into etrade and pickup my portfolio, I would like lynx to genrate a script as I login etc. that Curl could then use to automate the process.

I was half way through writting a php script to help in these situations.
If people would find this useful I'll try to get around to finnishing it off.

A half working version is at



         Paul Harrington              ___________________________________
   Independent Internet Limited      /       Phone:  07779 622683
  Internet * Security * Unix * NT   /          ICQ:  77294932
Received on 2002-04-26