cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Cookie Jar - Changing Cookies

From: Paul Harrington <>
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 09:06:40 +0000

> Is it just me, or can't this be done already ?

Yes I could do it this way but I'm just being lazy! In the pre cookie jar days
I used to use my own perl functions for all this. Now I've caught up with the
times using cookie jar I find its not as flexible as I would like.

As I am making multiple calls on the same curl handle the cookie jar is not
dumped to a file between calls but kept in memory - where I can't modify it. I
could close and reopen connections but I don't really want to as I'm trying to
save the overhead of setting up new SSL connections.

> Just to play Devil's Advocate, why mess with the cookie jar anyway ? What are
> the odds on the cookie sender recognising an altered cookie ?

To see if the sender will recognise an altered cookie ;-) My main reason for
this feature is testing security.


Received on 2002-03-07