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Re: Slow DNS lookups compared to wget

From: Rick Richardson <>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 13:22:03 -0600

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 12:42:28PM -0600, Rick Richardson wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 09:06:23AM -0600, Rick Richardson wrote:
> Yes, the problem seems to be a broken "getaddrinfo()" for some IP
> lookups, as invoked by curl and as implemented by RH7.2's libc 2.2.4
> and kernel 2.4.9-21. Dunno if any other combinations are affected. I
> have attached a short test program. Here are the results:
> $ ./getaddrinfo
> rc = 0, time = 1 secs
> rc = 0, time = 29 secs
> I dunno enough about DNS internals to be able to point the finger of
> blame here. Curl's "configure" script automagically selects ipv6 and
> claims that there is a working getaddrinfo(), so it uses that instead
> of the tried-and-true gethostbyname(). Here's the strace output of
> the test program.

BTW, if I change hints.ai_family in the test program from PF_UNSPEC to
AF_INET, then getaddrinfo() runs like the wind. Here are the times
for the two ways.

        $ ./gaiAFINET rc = 0, time = 1 secs rc = 0, time = 0 secs

        $ ./gaiUNSPEC rc = 0, time = 1 secs rc = 0, time = 28 secs


Rick Richardson
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Gore: "I've been a part of the discussions on the strategic reserve
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Received on 2002-02-18