Re: Using libcurl with VC 6++
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 09:38:51 +0100
Hi Daniel,
> > I have successfully compiled the libcurl, but if I link my application
> > against libcurl, I get annoying linker errors.
> Could you be more specific here? What kind of linker errors?
Of course:
At first the linker throws errors kind of "already defined in MSVCRTD.lib", then there is
a unresolved external symbol. Because of the german output of my Visual Studio I
don't just copy 'n' paste in this mail ;)
> Whose suggestion is it to exclude standard libs? I can't realize why that
> should be suitable. (I'm *not* fluent in MSVC++ workings though.)
The linker itself suggests to exclude the standart libs ("/NODEFAULTLIB: libname"-
switch), and I have read about it in the mailing list, too. Since most of the linker errors
point on MSVCRTD.lib, I just exclude this standart C runtime lib with the
/nodefault:xxx switch. Curiously it's linking only with a few warnings and the app is
running fine. Btw, my application is MFC-based, therefore I needn't the C runtime
functions directly. Until now.
> > Could it be possible to link without excluding the standart libs, since I
> > can't make use of eg. some math.h functions in this way?
> I don't think I understand this question. If you want to make use of math
> functions, you should link with the math lib. If you want to make use of curl
> functions, link with the curl lib. It is as simple as that. Or should be.
The problem is the excluded MSVCRTD.lib. All the runtime functions, incl. math.h, are
located in this lib. And I am not able to use any math function.
> > May there is a developer who could assist me by some example code?
> There are several example codes in the release archives. They should more or
> less all work on all platforms where libcurl builds.
I know the examples...and I don't have any problem with the use of cURL. I think you
do a great job, it is easy to use.
I need particular support in my case of combining a MFC app with libcurl, especially
linking hints.
Received on 2002-02-18