cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: v8 --enable-dream-mode

From: Thomas Hurst <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 18:19:53 +0000

* Cris Bailiff ( wrote:

> Don't know what 'DICT' does, I don't use it

-% curl dict://
220 dictd 1.5.3/rf on Linux 2.2.19 <auth.mime> <1139195.17177.100826>
250 ok
150 1 definitions retrieved
151 "URL" jargon "Jargon File (4.2.3, 23 NOV 2000)"
URL /U-R-L/ or /erl/ n. Uniform Resource Locator, an address
widget that identifies a document or resource on the World Wide Web.
This entry is here primarily to record the fact that the term is commonly
pronounced both /erl/, and /U-R-L/ (the latter predominates in more
formal contexts).
Received on 2001-12-13