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Re: SSL not enabled even with configure --with-ssl

From: Al Sparks <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 15:42:36 -0800 (PST)

Your solution is the most reliable. However, you could have tried

    $ make clean
after doing your
    $ ./configure --with-ssl
but before doing a
    $ make
and it probably would have worked w/o having to rm -r and gunzip/untar

A "make clean" is standard with most software installations, and will delete
all your compiled binaries. W/o doing that, "make" will not compile over
existing binaries, unless a source file has been modified (simplistic explanation;
check the "make" docs for a fuller explanation).

Since this is more of a "make" issue, versus a curl issue, it's why you wouldn't
normally find this in the curl archives.
    === Al

--- Mark Kendrick <> wrote:
> Everyone:
> The solution? Wipe the source directory, unpack the thing again, run
> "./configure --with-ssl, make, make install" and it worked flawlessly.
> Mark Kendrick

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Received on 2001-12-11