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A curl package naming standard?

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 09:55:58 +0200 (MET DST)


With the increasing amount of curl packages everywhere, I would like to see a
naming standard in how to name curl archives. I need your input. Am I on the
right track or am I lost in the desert?

I'm not saying anyone can't name their packages whatever they want, I just
want packages that I manage on the curl web site and associated mirrors to
use a unified naming syntax so that I better can machine-parse packages to
extract info.

Recent events have made me realize we need this.

The somewhat complicated suggestion I have, is based on this reasoning:

The package name must contain enough information for a user to pick the
correct package. The most imporant information is further to the left. All
curl packages will start with 'curl-' to get identifed as such. Each info
string is separated from the others with a dash (-) or a dot (.) for the

My idea of naming template:


Where the separate fields have the following meaning:

  version: X.Y or X.Y.Z or X.Y.Z-preN
  OS: 'win32' or 'linux' or ...
  ssl: 'ssl' or empty
  devel: 'devel' or empty
  culture: compiler or environment specifics
  extension: 'tar.gz', 'zip', 'i386.deb', 'i386.rpm', 'ppc.rpm' ...

Thus, let me show you how I imagine this looks on real-world archives:

The original curl source package:


Precompiled version for win32 using mingw32 compiler, with SSL support
archived with zip:

The development package compiler for win32, with SSL support, compiled with

The very same package, but compiled with/for cygwin:

The precompiled linux RPM package for redhat 7.1 i386 without SSL:


The precompiled linux RPM package for redhat 6.2 i386 without SSL:


A development package without SSL made for Mac OS X:


A solaris sparc8-optmized binary package with SSL support:


    Daniel Stenberg -- curl groks URLs --
Received on 2001-09-26