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RE: FTP upload doesn't work with Windows 32 binary?

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 16:05:15 +0200 (MET DST)

On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, JIM MCNEILL wrote:

> You must have a better behaved NT box than me! Here's a dump of what I
> get (ALL_PROXY is set):

Well, I'm not trying to do FTP upload through a HTTP proxy, I guess that's
what makes the difference...

> curl -T freestock.csv -u
> nameftp:passftp -U nameproxy:passproxy -vi -l

As you have specified that you're using a HTTP proxy, this command line will
be converted to make a HTTP PUT request (you can't operate FTP over a http

If you want to *actually* perform a FTP operation through a HTTP proxy, you
need to use --proxytunnel option and pray that your admins let you do that
(most proxies don't). Another solution would be to made sure the remote
server handles PUT properly.

> When you got yours to work, did you check that it wasn't a previous
> version you were seeing on the server?

I could see every step of the protocol dump being correct as well.

> Oh - and by the the way, I have tried "-Q -STOR". That doesn't work
> either.

That would never work, no.

    Daniel Stenberg -- curl groks URLs --
Received on 2001-09-17