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Re: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

From: Cris Bailiff <>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 18:21:29 +1000

Culprit tracked...

Curl::easy sets up an internal WRITEHEADERFUNCTION and WRITEFUNCTION
(replacing the fwrite default) to catch all write callbacks, and then
tries to decide if the output should go through a perl GLOB file
descriptor, a stdio descriptor or a perl subroutine callback (SV *)
based on the stream pointer value.

Michael's script didn't set up its own WRITEHEADER file, but the
with Curl::easy does, so works, but Michael's segfaults...

This change in 7.8.1:

Revision 1.25 / (download) / (as text) - annotate - [select for diffs] ,
Mon Aug 6 08:22:26 2001 UTC (4 weeks, 6 days ago) by bagder 
Branch: MAIN 
CVS Tags: curl-7_8_1-pre3 
Changes since 1.24: +3 -2 lines 
Diff to previous 1.24 to selected 1.27 
  Jonathan Hseu noticed that you couldn't get a header callback unless
  set CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER to non-NULL, even if you didn't care about
  data. This is now fixed.
means that WRITEHEADERFUNCTION can get called even when WRITEHEADER is
NULL (no header output stream is defined), which is what was happening.
This was previously impossible. Curl::easy received a stream pointer of
NULL, null != stdout and null != (address of Curl::easy internal
callback function), so it must be a pointer to a perl GLOB, which we try
to turn back into an STDIO stream using
f = IoIFP(sv_2io(stream));
stream == NULL, so this faults.
Initially, the prototype signature of a curl IO callback was (by
definition) the same prototype as that of fwrite/fread, with stream of
type (FILE *). The callbacks are now more widely interpreted with stream
of type (void *), so I suppose its now legal for stream to be NULL. The
default curl callback, fwrite, segfaults if given a NULL stream, so I'm
sure the change may cause other applications which define
WRITEHEADERFUNCTION to fault if they expect stream != NULL. As
WRITEHEADERFUNCTION is only since 7.7.2, its probably not widespread.
I'll whip up a patch for Curl::easy to discard the header data if stream
== NULL, and check it in, if thats OK with you Daniel - I'd like to
extend the test harness and do other Curl::easy work previously
discussed, but I don't have time just now....
Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Michael S. Steuer wrote:
> > I used libcurl 7.8.*, with your version it works too. Guess 7.8 isn't as
> > stable...
> I wouldn't put it that boldly. I'd say that things have changed since 7.7.2,
> and that the perl interface may not be playing along properly. Perhaps
> there's a newly introduced bug that causes this, but 7.8.1 is actually the
> best and most stable release of (lib)curl so far. IMHO.
> It's been downloaded an estimated 20,000 times (counted low) and besides the
> configure messup, there has been very few bug reports.
> --
>     Daniel Stenberg -- curl groks URLs --
Received on 2001-09-10