cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: "host not found" with a M$ proxy

From: <>
Date: 28 Jun 2001 08:58:29 -0700

>I'm trying a couple things against my local Micro$~1 proxy server
>(version 2.0) and it is passing back an HTTP status of "400 Bad Request"
>if I don't specify at least a "/" after the host-name in my URL.

everything's ok, thank you Kevin, it was only that trailing "/"...
I didn't know about NTLM, but fortunately it's not enabled on our proxy!

>(from Daniel)
>curl is a tool for URL transfers,
>that can behave like "normal" UAs very well. If IE is >a normal UA or not
>could be a subject for discussion, but let's keep >that someplace else

I meant: curl is *at least*, among many other things, a "normal" UA; and IE *should be* a "normal" UA ..:-)

thank you very much,


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Received on 2001-06-28