cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


curl and size of binary

From: Detlef Schmier - Sun Microsystems GmbH <Detlef.Schmier_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 08:53:18 +0200 (MEST)

Hi all,

do you know, if I can reduce the size of curl if I only want
to use http, may be via a proxy? A current binary on Solaris
(build with a static curl library) is 200K. And that's only to
get a webpage. I took the example which uses the EASY interface.
May be, if I take something more native, this will reduce the
binaries size.


P.S. I am not on your alias, so please answer directly.
Detlef Schmier @MUC07 Fon : +49 89 46008 2155 x62155
Senior System Engineer Fax : +49 89 46008 2572
Regional Sales Support Mobil : +49 170 4709519
Sun Microsystems GmbH
Sonnenallee 1
85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Received on 2001-06-28