cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


handing out browser control

From: Juan Valentín-Pastrana <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 15:59:26 +0200

now I ran into another problem.

i am pursuing same effect as if i clicked SUBMIT in this form:
<FORM METHOD="https://..." ACTION="programA.exe">

but as i use PHP to access a DB i need curl to post some data and call
programA using https. i called curl from php in these ways:

1- exec(curl -d ... https... -L); no response at all from programA
2- passthru(curl...); data is presented on the screen, but
                                  no images or links
3- system(curl...); same as above
4- $output=`curl...`;
   echo $output; same, but i can parse :-( the data and
                                  prepend missing url

programA is supposed take over all browser interaction onwards. what
happens however (using 2,3&4) is that all the output from programA -HTML
data- returned by curl is dumped to the calling page url, so all links and
images are broken.

how to avoid this ?


Juan Valentín-Pastrana
Received on 2001-06-07