cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Administrativa, spams on the list

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 08:33:45 +0200 (MET DST)

Hey ho

First, I am *sure* you don't *ever* just double-click on an attachment,
especially when it comes from a public mailing list such as this. I received
more than 10 warnings from different admins and mail servers who pointed out
the fact that the spam mail posted yesterday was "Infected with the
W32/Hybris.gen_at_MM virus". (I've complained to the relayer of that mail, I
don't expect anything to happen.)

Secondly, I am very pleased to see that you're all intelligent people who do
not reply to spams in the list. We see that happen all too often on mailing
lists. Unfortunately, I want the curl mailing list open for unsubscribers to
post, as it also doubles as the 'curl-bugs' list and all fresh bug reports
are also posted there. The price we pay for this, is occational spam. :-/

     Daniel Stenberg -- curl dude --
Received on 2001-06-06