cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


[ curl-Bugs-420659 ] Error on Connect

From: <>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 22:02:31 -0700

Bugs item #420659, was updated on 2001-05-01 22:02
You can respond by visiting:

Category: http
Group: crash
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Daniel Stenberg (bagder)
Summary: Error on Connect

Initial Comment:

  it seemed that it jumped the action of Connection
because conn->firstsocket no not equal to -1 .
  i got some debug info, maybe help

this is the debug info:

  if(-1 == conn->firstsocket) {
    /* Connect only if not already connected! */
  /* Figure out the ip-number and display the first
host name it shows: */
#ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
    struct in_addr in;
-------->>>>>>>(void) memcpy(&in.s_addr, *conn->hp-
>h_addr_list, sizeof (in.s_addr));
Error in this line!!

    infof(data, "Connected to %s (%s)\n", conn->hp-
>h_name, inet_ntoa(in));

this is the local values:

- in {...}
- S_un {...}
- S_un_b {...}
        s_b1 0xcc '?
        s_b2 0xcc '?
        s_b3 0xcc '?
        s_b4 0xcc '?
- S_un_w {...}
        s_w1 0xcccc
        s_w2 0xcccc
        S_addr 0xcccccccc
- data 0x00eacca0
+ err 0x10256848
+ errorbuffer 0x00000000 ""
+ proxy 0x00000000 ""
+ proxyuserpwd 0x00000000 ""
        proxyport 0x00000000
        header_size 0x0000102a
        request_size 0x000000f7
+ out 0x0109fdb4
+ in 0x10256808 __iob
+ writeheader 0x00000000
+ url
        0x00622ab1 "
+ freethis 0x00000000 ""
        use_port 0x00000000
+ bits {...}
+ ssl {...}
+ userpwd 0x00000000 ""
+ set_range 0x00000000 ""
        followlocation 0x00000000
        maxredirs 0x00000000
+ referer 0x00000000 ""
        free_referer 0x00 ''
+ useragent 0x00443074 "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"
+ postfields 0x00000000 ""
        postfieldsize 0x00000000
+ ftpport 0x00000000 ""
+ device 0x00000000 ""
        fwrite 0x00402920 writeData(const void *,
unsigned int, unsigned int, void *)
        fwrite_header 0x00000000
        fread 0x10238f00 fread(void *, unsigned
int, unsigned int, _iobuf *)
        fprogress 0x00000000
        progress_client 0x00000000
        fpasswd 0x00423750 my_getpass(void *, char
*, char *, int)
        passwd_client 0x00000000
        timeout 0x0000000f
        connecttimeout 0x00000000
        infilesize 0xffffffff
+ buffer 0x00eacd64 "</tr>


        current_speed -1.0000000000000
        low_speed_limit 0x00000000
        low_speed_time 0x00000000
        set_resume_from 0x00000000
+ cookie 0x00000000 ""
+ headers 0x00000000
+ httppost 0x00000000
+ cert 0x00000000 ""
+ cert_passwd 0x00000000 ""
+ cookies 0x00000000
        crlf 0x00000000
+ quote 0x00000000
+ postquote 0x00000000
+ telnet_options 0x00000000
        timecondition 0x00000000
        timevalue 0x00000000
        httpreq 0x00000001
+ customrequest 0x00000000 ""
+ headerbuff 0x00573420 "
        headersize 0x00000100
+ progress {...}
+ auth_host 0x00000000 ""
+ user 0x00eb9684 "anonymous"
+ passwd 0x00eb9704 ""
+ proxyuser 0x00eb9784 ""
+ proxypasswd 0x00eb9804 ""
+ krb4_level 0x00000000 ""
+ keeps_speed {...}
+ connects 0x005733e0
        numconnects 0x00000005
        closepolicy 0x00000000
+ in_connect 0x0109fcf0
        allow_port 0x01 ''
- conn 0x00640b40
+ data 0x00eacca0
        connectindex 0x00000000
        protocol 0x00000004
+ hostent_buf 0x00f79e38 "¤Ù¤Ù¤Ù¤Ù¤Ù¤Ù¤Ù
- hp 0x001471b0
+ h_name 0x00146968 "8u"
+ h_aliases 0x652e756f
        h_addrtype 0x696a
        h_length 0x6a61
- h_addr_list 0x632e6169
                CXX0030: Error: expression cannot
be evaluated
- serv_addr {...}
        sin_family 0x0002
        sin_port 0x5000
- sin_addr {...}
- S_un {...}
+ S_un_b {...}
+ S_un_w {...}
        S_addr 0x441468ca
+ sin_zero 0x00640b5c ""
+ protostr 0x00640b64 "http"
+ gname 0x00640ba4 ""
+ name 0x00640ba4 ""
+ path
        0x00653320 "/manager/zhangchy/index.asp"
+ hostname 0x006534b4 "úßÂq"
        port 0x00000050
        remote_port 0x0050
+ ppath
        0x00653320 "/manager/zhangchy/index.asp"
        bytecount 0x00000000
+ range 0x00000000 ""
        resume_from 0x00000000
+ proxyhost 0x00000000 ""
+ now {...}
+ created {...}
        firstsocket 0x00000174
        secondarysocket 0xffffffff
        upload_bufsize 0x00000800
        maxdownload 0x00000000
+ ssl {...}
+ bits {...}
        curl_do 0x00431410 Curl_http(connectdata *)
        curl_done 0x00431360 Curl_http_done
(connectdata *)
        curl_connect 0x00000000
        curl_disconnect 0x00000000
        curl_close 0x00431300 Curl_http_close
(connectdata *)
        sockfd 0x00000174
        size 0xffffffff
        getheader 0x01 ''
+ bytecountp 0x00640cc0
        writesockfd 0xffffffff
+ writebytecountp 0x00000000
+ allocptr {...}
+ newurl 0x00000000 ""
+ proto {...}
+ resumerange 0x0109fbbc ""
+ conn_temp 0x00640b40
        endbracket 0xcc '?
        urllen 0x00000100
+ tmp 0x00000000 ""
+ buf 0x00eacd64 "</tr>


        result 0xcccccccc


You can respond by visiting:
Received on 2001-05-02