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RE: Problems with -d option to submit form

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 11:56:19 -0400

1) -F doesn't apply to this situation. That's for posting data files
(e.g. file uploads) to a web server. If you want to store this stuff in
a file, try -d @filename (I think, the specific character to say "pull
from file named filename" might be different, I'm doing this from

2) If you're seeing all of the options going out in your -v output, then
you're calling curl correctly. On some platforms you have to look out
for &'s in your command line (I don't know anything about AIX) but if
you're seeing the right data going out, then curl read it correctly. If
nothing else, you could split off all of the parameters into individual
-d calls (e.g. -d type=callback -d lang=en_GB ...)

3) Could that web site be using some cookies and/or server-side session
variables (keyed off a cookie) to track your session's status? So
perhaps it's also looking for a cookie of some kind, in which case you
probably need -D to dump headers (including a Set-Cookie line) to a
file, and the -b to read them back into the subsequent requests.


] -----Original Message-----
] From: []
] Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 10:39 AM
] curl -d
] "type=callback&lang=en_GB&vdn_ext=23089&uui_data=Power&callUsr
] Me=submit"
] All I see back is the page as if it were submitted with no
] parameters at
] all! I am using AIX Would it have something to do
] with firewalls
] which we use heavily in IBM? If I submit the same URL from a
] browser, then
] it all works OK (the second example above I mean).
Received on 2001-04-30