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Re: Problems using cURL

From: Erdmut Pfeifer <>
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 14:01:04 +0200

On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 09:14:58PM -0700, Dan Dickerson wrote:
> I am trying to mimic the use of a form:
> I am using cURL ver. 7.7.1 on a WindowsME system. I invoke it with:
> curl -K curl.txt
> curl.txt is a text file with the following contents:
> -o addout.html
> -A "Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win95; U)"
> -e ""
> -d "City=&Zip%20Code=91104&Delivery%20Address=1800%20N%20Sierra%20Bonita%20Ave.&Firm=&State=&Submit=Process&Urbanization="
> When I run this I get the response from the server that the State is incorrect,
> but when I enter the data from the form, it works just fine. Putting in a valid
> state does not fix the problem. Furthermore, when entered from the form, putting
> in an invalid state does not cause problems if the Zip exists.

occasionally, you'll come across some badly written CGI scripts that
rely on a fixed ordering of fields in the query string...
I just tried that hypothesis with your data above -- seems to the case
here, too. So if you specify the fields in the order they appear in the
form, i.e.


things seem to work fine...


Erdmut Pfeifer
science+computing ag
-- Bugs come in through open windows. Keep Windows shut! --
Received on 2001-04-08