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Re: curl win32 commandline question

From: Kevin P Roth <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 14:01:36 -0600

Two options:

1) Put double-quotes around the URL:
    curl ""

2) Put the URL into a config file:
    curl -K url.txt

url.txt would contain one line:

The -d option is used with HTML forms that use the POST method (the documentation could be a bit clearer, as -F says something about HTML forms, which might be construed to imply that -d is for the GET/Query-string option). Web programs looking for form fields as part of the URL (the Query String) would use the GET method in their form, and I don't think curl offers a command-line parameter to specify those separately from the URL. It would certainly make sense though...


>>> "Peter meulmeester" <> 3/13/01 1:10 PM >>>
But I really want to add more parameters such as:

F:\curl>curl -A 'Mozilla/5.0'

The WinNT commandline does something with the & and says:
The name specified is not recognized as an
internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I tried using posting with the -d option such as:

F:\curl>curl -A 'Mozilla/5.0' -d "Symbool=KPN"
Received on 2001-03-14