cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: timeout on a site

From: Troy Engel <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 10:09:44 -0800

Shlomit Lisser wrote:
> This might be an old solved problem, but going through the mailing lists
> didn't get me anywhere.
> I would like to know if the -m option works?

Are you on Win32 or unix? If unix, which one? Basically, the way curl
sets a timeout is to use your systems alarm() function (see 'man alarm')
to send itself a SIGALRM after the specified number of secs; on Win32
it's non-op, and perhaps on your unix it's not working?


Troy Engel :: KeyID DF3D5207
Perl is just another tool in the Unix toolbox. Perl does one thing,
and it does it well: it gets out of your face. - Larry Wall
Received on 2001-01-21