-L works with cookies iff -b <filename>
From: Venkataramana Mokkapati <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:38:16 -0600
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Received on 2000-11-22
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:38:16 -0600
curl 7.4.2 (Solaris as wellas WinNT):
% curl -L
Let us say the URL redirects to R1 after setting cookie:
Location: R1
Set-Cookie: a=1
Set-Cookie: a=1
Now, sending request for R1, curl does NOT send cookie!
It is becasue data->cookie is NULL in the code.
It is becasue data->cookie is NULL in the code.
Instead, if I use
% curl -L -b dummyfilename
then, data->cookie is set and redirection to R1 is
accompanied by correct cookies
accompanied by correct cookies
Basically, an initialization done when cookie file is
present is essential for the -L to work with cookies
present is essential for the -L to work with cookies
Even if I use
% curl -L -b /dev/null
it works!!
Workaround is to use -b <filename> with -L always...but
it is a bug neverthless
it is a bug neverthless
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Received on 2000-11-22